
La Minienciclopedia del Páramo

PPF-Alpine has joined an innovative project connecting scholars with Colombia’s high Andes communities. This biodiversity-rich area faces threats from land-use and climate change. An interdisciplinary team that comprises artists, science communicators, evolutionary biologists, and ecologists has crafted a scientific children’s book, La Minienciclopedia del Páramo. This book, distributed free thanks to local institutions, blends art and science to educate about the alpine ecosystem.

“La Minienciclopedia del Páramo” aims to share scientific knowledge for young minds across seven main chapters: 1) What is the “Páramo”?, 2) Why is it important?, 3) How did the Páramo originate?, 4) The plants, 5) The animals of the Páramo, 6) The threats of the ecosystem, and 7) How can we protect it? We also included an illustrated dictionary at the end!

The book tells the story of “Florecita”; a native seven-year-old girl, who is visited by her cousin “Manuelito, who lives in the city. Our goal is to empower communities for conservation, amplify the reach of scientific research, and dedicate ourselves to open access of knowledge for preserving the Andean alpine ecosystems.

At PPF-Alpine, we are honoured to be part of this incredible initiative and we are fully committed to supporting outreach by blending art and science.

For more information on this initiative, our collaboration, and the story of Florecita and Manualito, visit this website.

Photo on the right: One member of the team, Diana Libeth Aparicio Vásquez, with Páramo inhabitants 

Sample of the first chapter of the book

Visiting schools in Colombia

Diana made a first trip to Colombia in Jan-Feb 2024 and over 1000 books has been shared now with children across numerous schools in the department of Santander, towards the NE of Colombia.

The responses to the books have just been magical and very inspiring.

Here some snapshots from this beautiful adventure: LINK

Check out our latest video!

We are excited that Hugo de Vries Fonds (Amsterdam, Netherlands) is supporting us to print numerous books in various languages and to distribute the books across schools in Colombia. We will have the opportunity to translate the book to English, Dutch, and Norwegian, so we will also visit schools in the Netherlands and the Netherlands to reach out to even more children across the world!

How can you contribute?

We are very excited about getting more books to more children across Colombia. However, we need the financial means.

We would be happy to receive any donation you might be able to give! With your donation, we can make even more children happy, in Colombia and beyond.

Please find HERE more info and links.